Thursday, May 28, 2009

Quickpull and The Crackberry mobile store

Tired of fighting with your battery cover every time something goes wrong with your phone? Well your in luck! I have the perfect app for you. It's called quickpull. What the program does is simulate taking your cover off your battery, removing the battery, putting the battery back in the phone and putting the cover back on. Best of all it's FREE!!!!!

Link to the article/download:

To download from your phone, visit:
and search for "quickpull"

The crackberry app store is a great place to find a host of applications for your needs. There's even some applications you don't need and just want something to kill some time with.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Youtube on your Blackberry

Trying to show your friends that new commercial you saw during last night's NBA playoff game and you know it's on youtube but you aren't near a computer? Check out this article on a new program that lets you view youtube from your Blackberry.


Link to download from your phone:

Yeah yeah yeah you've looked at youtube from your BB already BUT did you know that not all videos are available for your mobile viewing pleasure? Click the links already and fix this problem!